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Provides facilities to generate Module Definition qmldir Files automatically.


Detailed Description

This module takes away the burden of manually writing qmldir files for your QML modules. It lists all the files it knows, tagged with an input tag, in the Module Definition File, and provides the ability to set values for other fields in that file.

File Tags


Tag Auto-tagged patterns Description
easy.qmldir.inputs *.qml, *.js, *.mjs Tag your files with it to list them in qmldir


Tag Description
easy.qmldir.qmldir The generated qmldir module definition file

Property Documentation


Declares the module identifier of the QML module using the dotted URI notation. It must match the module’s install path. For example:

easy.qmldir.module: 'org.example'

Default: Qt.qml.importName (from the product)


The version of the format 'x.y' which will be used to generate object type declarations and JavaScript resource declarations. For example:

easy.qmldir.moduleVersion: '1.0'
Declaring different versions of the same component?

Currently, easy.qmldir is not able to list objects with different versions in the resulting qmldir, but that maybe changed in future. If you need this, submit an idea!

Default: Qt.qml.importVersion (from the product)


Denotes that the plugin declaration should be optional, i.e., the plugin itself does not contain any relevant code and only serves to load a library it links to. If given, and if any types for the QML module are already available, indicating that the library has been loaded by some other means, QML engine will not load the plugin.

Default: false


Plugin library name. It should match the product name, so usually you don’t need to change it.



An optional path for plugin declaration. It’s either:

  • an absolute path to the directory containing the plugin file, or
  • a relative path from the directory containing the qmldir file to the directory containing the plugin file.

You need to specify this only if the compiled plugin binary and the corresponding qmldir are located in different directories.

Default: undefined


The class name of the C++ plugin used by the QML module to generate a plugin classname declaration. It can contain namespaces, too. For example:

easy.qmldir.classname: 'my::widgets::UiPlugin'

Default: undefined


Path to the *.qmltypes file to generate a type description file declaration. Usually, it stays unchanged.

Default: 'plugins.qmltypes'


List of QML module that the current module depends on. It generates module dependencies declarations that are rarely needed but sometimes come in handy. Each item in the list must have the format <ModuleIdentifier> <Version>. For example:

easy.qmldir.depends: [
    'MyOtherModule 1.0',
    'org.example.config 2.0',

Default: []


List of QML modules that are automatically imported by the engine when you import the current QML module. Each item in the list will generate a module import declaration.

This can be used if you want to extend another module with some new components (or even to override existing ones) but don't want to import both modules everywhere. For example:

easy.qmldir.imports: [

Optionally, you can specify the version of each module like this:

easy.qmldir.imports: [
    'QtQuick.Controls 2.15',
    'QtQuick.Layouts 1.15',

You can also use auto instead of the version. It means the engine will use the same version as your module’s one. For example, you have a module mega.controls.future that extends another module mega.controls (and you want to re-export it):

easy.qmldir.imports: [
    'mega.controls auto'

Now if your mega.controls.future has a version 1.0, it will try to import mega.controls 1.0. And if your module is 2.2, then it will import mega.controls 2.2, and so on.

Looking for optional imports?

Qt supports optional and default imports. For instance, they use them in their QtQuick.Controls as following:

module QtQuick.Controls
linktarget Qt6::qtquickcontrols2plugin
plugin qtquickcontrols2plugin
classname QtQuickControls2Plugin
typeinfo plugins.qmltypes
optional import QtQuick.Controls.Fusion auto
optional import QtQuick.Controls.Material auto
optional import QtQuick.Controls.Imagine auto
optional import QtQuick.Controls.Universal auto
optional import QtQuick.Controls.Windows auto
optional import QtQuick.Controls.macOS auto
optional import QtQuick.Controls.iOS auto
default import QtQuick.Controls.Basic auto
prefer :/

The easy.qmldir, however, does not support this functionality yet. If you need it, submit an idea!

Default: []


Set this property to true if the plugin is supported by Qt Quick Designer.

Default: false


The path to be used for preferred path declaration. For example:

easy.qmldir.prefer: ':/qt/qml/org/example/'

This is useful when your plugin is distributed as a dynamic library, but QML-files are packed into resources instead of distributing them along with the plugin.

Default: undefined